Traditional orthodontics
Child / treatment
The dentofacial orthopedics deals with diagnosis, prevention, the control and modification of facial growth.
That branch of orthodontia has to do with the assessment, development, and alignment of maxilla mandible, and other cranial bones, with an attempt to improve airways, muscles and neurological tone.
It is most often done to intercept anomalies of growth and reduce risk of dental trauma.
Teenager / treatment
The objective is to correct the improper facial esthetic and crooked teeth.
Adult / treatment
Adult orthodontia treatment can help fix the patient’s teeth and set them in the right place. Deals with optimized masticatory function.
- It also optimize a good oral health.
- Improves smile
- Minimizes bone resorption of maxilla and mandible.
- Increases good health for the temporal mandibular joint.
- Allows when teeth are missing, to obtain fixed or removable prosthesis in better condition.
- Minimizes early dental attrition.