General informations
Your dental insurance forms are free and are sent electronically (over the Internet). In most cases, the amount of your coverage is available immediately. All you have to pay is the deductible and the non-insured portion.
Insurance forms that cannot be sent electronically are completed free of charge and will be given to you in person. You will have to send them to your insurance company and pay the total fees owing to the dentist. Treatment plans and estimates for different treatments are also prepared free of charge.
We would also like to mention that your insurance coverage varies according to the agreement signed between the insurance company and your employer. It is illegal to overcharge your insurance or not to claim the balance from you. It is therefore crucial that you find out what your coverage is and your maximum annual entitlements.
Infection control
Our team members respect all of the appropriate dental clinic hygiene and disinfection standards. The rigorous measures of the Organization for Safety and Asepsis Procedures (OSAP) and the Ordre des dentistes du Québec (ODQ) are meticulously followed.
Payment policy